Our friends in South Africa

Lukas copyright Karen Murdock

EWA Founding Member,
Barbi Moline, wins 
2010 Dogwood Dominion Award

Lukas in Sidelines Magazine (from Lukas' perspective!)

image copyright Nousha Salimi

Since our membership lists have been comprised of only humans, we wanted to give special recognition to our first 4 legged celebrity member, Lukas, who joined EWA via his human, Karen Murdock. Lukas is recognized as the smartest horse in the world and has had visitors from 62 countries as of this writing. 

To learn about the remarkable Lukas and follow his achievements, please visit his website - http://www.playingwithlukas.com

 Susan Wagner & Sarah at Equine Advocates Rescue & Sanctuary

Our friends in Ireland

Staff Sergeant Reckless, Marine War Hero (Through The Reckless Foundation)

Visit the Reckless website to read how SSGT Reckless carried munitions through battle and enjoyed her breakfast of scrambled eggs, pancakes and her morning cup of coffee. 

She was promoted twice to Staff Sergeant and was retired to Camp Pendleton where she is buried.

Photos copyrighted and used by permission.

Become a Member of EWA 

EWAs first members to join on Day 1! 

Tom Durfee

  • Ches-N-Oak Farm | Home to Boer Goats and Angus Cattle

R.T. Fitch


Our friends in Italy

If you would like to become an EWA member you can join by sending an email to ewa@equinewelfarealliance.org with Membership in the subject line. Please include your name, city and state and phone number (optional). 

Be sure to include a link to your organization’s website if you’d like to be listed on the organization list, otherwise, you will be added to the individual’s list.

If you do not want your name published on our website members list, please indicate that in your email. 

Design copyright Terry Fitch, Image copyright John Holland

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Our Members

This is what it is all about. From our board member, Daryl Smoliak